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Is the UK on Its Way to Leaving the EU? - a New Academic Insight

What do the European parliamentary elections mean for the UK?

Which is stronger – British National Sentiment or their adherence to the European super-nationality?

How will the British vote in the proposed 2017 referendum regarding Britain’s membership of the European Union?

On 26 May 2014, elections to the European Union parliament took place and Europe was shocked by the success of right-wing national parties supporting their national states’ secession from the EU. The most successful was the UK’s Independence Party (UKIP), closely followed by France’s Front National led by Marine le Pen. Meditating upon these results, one may ask specifically whether Britain’s future in the EU may be differentiated from that of France and – more comprehensively – may the future of the EU itself be predicted.

Relying on an all-European academic research project - documented in a series of ten volumes - probing into the formation and dissolution of ten of the major European nationalities and exploring clues regarding the formation of one European super-nationality, those questions may now be answered. Solid prospects are also made for the probable future of Britain’s British and European identities. Priests Publishing congenially proffers the answers to the above three questions in a single page of an executive summary available here under the name: Unveiling the British Mist.

A more detailed and holistic view of the insights of this independent all-European academic research is available for savant readers in the synopsis of the original book.

The full academic title: The British - Reverence towards Nationality is available at the publisher's website, with a special offer for UK and EU readers.

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