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QUO VADIS EUROPE? - Answers & Insights

Press Release

October 8, 2015


Europe - Answers & Insights

Many readers today find themselves perplexed watching the current news coming from Europe. They wonder: 

  • How Europe will handle millions of refugees flooding it?

  • Will Europe succeed tackelling those new-coming chalanges and act jointly to solve those chalanges with coherent policies? 

​The answers to those questions can be derived from a much general puzzle: Can the 21st Century's Europe manifest as a one super-nationality within the framework of the EU?

This puzzle is deciphered by the ten-volume series A Post- or Super-Nationality in the European Union  documenting a postdoctoral research work at The Hebrew University.

This series offers a guide map to the emerging EU super-nationality and other surprising insights as follows below, giving the savant readers a new outlook onto Europe and the European Union.


Unveiling the Matrix of the EU

This Pan-European academic research project, documented in a series of ten volumes, concludes with Dr. Yehuda Cohen’s revolutionary findings as to the emerging European super-nationality. The research, using a unique and novel methodology, also relates to the functioning of ten European groups[1] within the EU and their basic motives which have evolved, in some cases, for more than a millennium. This momentous work explores and diagnoses how events have shaped each of these ten European groups’ inner motives, and, in turn, how their motives have influenced, and are still influencing, their conduct at critical historic junctures and in their relationships with the European Union.


Researching Nationality Anew

The series is based on studies, conducted as a post-doctoral research work at the Department of Political Science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. These studies implement a new approach for investigating ethnic and national dynamics: The evolution of each of these ten groups is observed along its entire history, relying on mainstream historians and analysis of historical facts rather than on new fact-finding. This method enables the identification of the group’s essence (e.g., “Britishness”), deciphers the process of both formation and dissolution of nationality, and determines whether each group still has a viable national identity.

Such an innovative yet objective and comprehensive approach reveals, at times, a given group’s hidden or denied inner motives; hence, not all of the research findings are easily accepted by stakeholders.


Highlights of the research’s findings:


A European super-nationality – The modern inception of a European super-nationality is deduced from its spectacular current emergence and the cogent declaration of its arrival, after having slumbered for more than a millennium.


The Germans appears to have lacked lacked a national common identity before and after the Nazi regime.

  • A unique interpretation of the root causes of the Holocaust is offered for the first time, submitting explanations for:

  1. Why the Germans, of all European groups, perpetrated the Holocaust?

  2. Why did they change their plan from the complete expulsion of Europe’s Jews to their total annihilation?

  3. Why was World War II prolonged even after they had realized that they have lost?

  4. Is another Holocaust possible – and, if so, where and when?

  • The ‘New Germany’ demonstrates an inclination to bolster German dominance in Europe, rather than engage in soul-searching, thus giving prominence to their overarching European identity and their position as the EU’s leader in the economic sphere.

  • Such dominance – now achieved through economic clout, not military might – was not attained either by Hitler or Bismarck, and therefore the Germans will certainly continue to aspire toward this objective within the EU.


The British are the only group this research identifies as having a viable national identity today.


The French are the group for which rioting is a mode of political expression, having adopted it after undergoing a national trauma in the 14th century, when the French population was reduced by seventy percent in a short period.

  • The fabled ‘French Revolution’ (1789) was but a (mega) riot, without the intention of removing their king from his throne or introducing a novel political system in which the masses would rule themselves.

  • The French desire for ideological leadership in Europe emerged from France’s inability – due to a low birthrate – to lead the continent either militarily or politically. Through this framework they had concocted a myth, that they wished to live in a democracy at the time of the Revolution, a construct that is contradicted by the facts of French history from the time of Napoléon to the present day.

  • They demonstrated their waiving of French national identity during the beginning of World War II.

  • These factors combined lead to the conclusion that they will probably continue to provide the EU with ideological leadership.


Other EU members – The Spanish may be expected to become a constructive component in the developing European national identity, as may also the Dutchthe Polishthe Hungariansthe Swedes and the Bulgarians. The latter may eventually form a cultural bridge between Slavic Russia and the rest of EuropeThe Italians constitute an unstable foundation for any political integration, EU included, although they are unlikely to secede due to a deep seeded distrust of their own state, which is perceived as an alien entity, since immediate family and the family matriarchs provide Italians with basic support and are the real source whence dominant social structures have emerged.


[1] The ten European groups are the German, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, British, Polish, Hungarian, Bulgarian, and Swedish groups. For wider perspective read here the series preface.



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